Easy DIY Craft: Pipe cleaner Dragon Craft

We will be taking a look at some super cute dragons today. These little dragons are pretty sturdy (for pipe cleaners, of course) and kid will love playing with. Below are the steps courtesy of frugalfun4boys.com.

Materials required are: Pipe cleaners – You’ll need 4 for each dragon, Craft foam, Craft sticks – one will make two dragons, Googly eyes, Hot glue gun, Scissors.

Cut a small section from the end of a craft stick.  Round off the end with scissors like this.

To make the head, fold the end of a pipe cleaner around in a circle. Then wrap it the other way a few times to give the head some depth. Leave the end for the neck

Take a second pipe cleaner and wrap it tightly around the neck, starting just under the head. Then wrap around the body. Tuck a third pipe cleaner under the others and keep wrapping. You can add a little hot glue to the craft stick to keep the pipe cleaner in place. Leave the end hanging to be the tail.

Add craft foam horns and tail, and glue on googly eyes. Cut four pieces for the legs and glue them to the body.

Add foam feet and wings, and you’re done!